The Truth About Organic Fruit and Veg

What exactly makes produce "organic"? Essentially it means grown without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation. Instead, organic farmers use natural fertilizers like manure and compost. Pesticides are used in Organic Farming Now some peddle the myth that organic crops don't use any pesticides whatsoever. Untrue! They frequently use pesticides … Continue reading The Truth About Organic Fruit and Veg

Agriculture: key challenges for the near future

Agriculture is likely to face several challenges in the next few years.  Among the many, I identify the following as key challenges for the near future. Climate Change Climate change poses significant risks to agriculture. Rising temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns, and increased frequency of extreme weather events like droughts and floods can affect crop … Continue reading Agriculture: key challenges for the near future

Agricultural Supply Chain Challenges and Solutions

The agricultural supply chain faces several significant issues that can impact productivity, profitability, and sustainability.  Let me show you some and how to fix them. Lack of transparency The agricultural supply chain often lacks transparency, making it difficult for consumers and stakeholders to trace the origin and quality of products. To address this, technologies like … Continue reading Agricultural Supply Chain Challenges and Solutions

Hydroponics: Effective and Sustainable way to cultivate crops

If you're wondering if hydroponics is an effective and sustainable crop cultivation method, the answer is unequivocally yes! Some people believe that plants require land to grow and bear fruit. That is not the case. All plants require only three things: light, water, and nutrients. These three elements can thus be supplied using the hydroponic … Continue reading Hydroponics: Effective and Sustainable way to cultivate crops

What sort of organisation is required for a company to be fully effective in the logistics and transport of agricultural products?

Throughout my career, I have worked on various projects for agricultural logistics and transportation organisations. This is an essential component of the supply chain. Fruit and vegetables must arrive fresh and in outstanding shape to retailers; consequently, these types of enterprises must be highly planned. If a company in this area does not respond to … Continue reading What sort of organisation is required for a company to be fully effective in the logistics and transport of agricultural products?

Agricultural techniques and technology

Agricultural techniques are constantly evolving as new technologies and innovations emerge.  I will list some of the cutting-edge techniques that are being utilised in agriculture nowadays. Precision Agriculture This involves using technologies such as GPS, sensors, drones, and satellite imagery to optimise crop production. It enables farmers to analyze and manage variations in soil conditions, … Continue reading Agricultural techniques and technology

Why are wholesale markets for fruits and vegetables vital in the agricultural supply chain?

Wholesale markets for fruits and vegetables play a crucial role in the agricultural supply chain for several reasons. Over the years, I've heard some call for their abolition, claiming that it was required to shorten supply chains, i.e., no intermediaries between the producer and the retailer.That's a bit naive, and it's not something you can … Continue reading Why are wholesale markets for fruits and vegetables vital in the agricultural supply chain?

Agriculture and the protection of the environment and biodiversity

Agriculture and the protection of the environment and biodiversity are closely intertwined. Sustainable agriculture practices that promote environmental stewardship and preserve biodiversity are crucial for long-term food security, ecological balance, and the well-being of both rural and urban communities. Here are some key points on how agriculture can protect the environment and biodiversity: Conservation of … Continue reading Agriculture and the protection of the environment and biodiversity

European Union and British Agriculture: A Snapshot

The following articles will focus on the agricultural sector in the EU and the United Kingdom.I'll give you an overview and some useful information from the official channels down below. The consolidated data in my possession, which I have worked with and analysed, is current until 2021. I recommend checking out the official channels below … Continue reading European Union and British Agriculture: A Snapshot

Organic crops regulations and standards in the EU, UK, and USA

Regulations governing organic crops vary between the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States (USA). European Union (EU) The EU has a comprehensive set of regulations for organic farming, including the production, labelling, and certification of organic crops. The main legislation governing organic agriculture in the EU is Regulation (EC) No … Continue reading Organic crops regulations and standards in the EU, UK, and USA